Welcome To MaxeleratorIT - We guarantee your business.
Features | Starter (Per month) $2000 |
Business (Per month) $4000 |
Premium (Per month) $6000 |
Minimum Duration | 3 months | 3 months | 3 months |
Networks | Google/Facebook | Google/Facebook/Bing | |
Activities | |||
Citation Listing | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Initial Estimate Report | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Landing Page Recommendation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Unlimited Keywords | No | Yes | Yes |
Campaign Setup/Ad Optimization | |||
Text Ads | No | Yes | Yes |
Conversion Tracking | Yes | Yes | Yes |
A/B Testing | No | No | Yes |
Google Analytics Set-up | No | Yes | Yes |
Campaign Management | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Mobile Ads | No | Yes | Yes |
Gmail Ads (GSP) | No | Yes | Yes |
Landing Page Optimization | No | Yes | Yes |
ROI Tracking | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Reporting Techniques | |||
Reporting | Bi-Weekly | Weekly | Daily |
Google Analytics Report (Monthly) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Pay Now | Pay Now | Pay Now |
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I do really appreciate it. Many thanks for a great website, we are extremely pleased with the result. Finally I would like to say thanks for a great job and I am over the moon with the finished work I would recommend you to anyone.
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When it comes to creating professional, attractive, and effective websites, there is no company that can surpass them. Thanks to their talent, our site has taken off in the search engines like a rocket. The attention is fabulous and working with them is superb.
David Aldred Owner - Gerbera Gardening
A big thankyou to the team for the amazing job they did on our website.. Not only did they excell in putting together what we wanted but also their professionalism honesty and patience truly deserves five stars..
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Rima Hawcher Owner - One stop Panel and Paint